About Us

About Us

Here at Geeky Thing, we love all things’ geek! Gadgets and gizmos, tech and handy tools. You name it we review it. That’s the whole idea behind Geeky Thing.

Who’s behind Geeky Thing?

We are a family of gadget loving geeks and we just can’t get enough of all the amazing products out there. My name is Tony and I am a big lover of unique gadgets that you don’t really need but you do really want!

James loves sports equipment and any sport related gadgets. He will get his hands dirty to find the best gear out there. Liam is a big gaming fanatic and is always on the look out for the latest gadget. He really wants to enhance the gaming experience for everyone!

Together we aim to bring you reviews of all the best gadgets and gizmos out there. We will also bring you news, updates and all the best info in the gadget world.

What to expect.

You can expect regular gadget reviews and blog posts about all things’ geek. Our blogs will keep you updated on the latest geeky trends including movies, TV shows, gadgets and more. Want to keep updated when we release a new review or blog? Sign up to our newsletter and get notified when we release a review or post. You will also get a monthly newsletter with loads of useful info!

How often do you review products?

We will be reviewing at least one product a week, maybe two. It will all depend on when we recieve the items and how long we use them for. Some weeks there might be more but there will always be at least one.

We will also be popping out blog posts once a week to keep you informed of what’s going on! We want to keep you entertained as well so be prepared for bad jokes, stupid puns and more.

One thing is for certain, we are going to enjoy every minute and we hope you do too!

Thanks from the Geeky Thing Team!

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